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Apache Drill epub
Apache Drill epub

Apache Drill by Ted Dunning

Apache Drill

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Apache Drill Ted Dunning ebook
ISBN: 9781449362041
Format: pdf
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated
Page: 200

The SHOW TABLES command returns a list of views created within a schema. Supported Data Types · Date, Time, and Handling Different Data Types. Apache Drill is an open source, low latency SQL query engine for Hadoop and NoSQL. Drill supports Drill treats a JSON object as a SQL record. FLATTEN separates the elements in a repeated field into individual records. Drill reads from and writes to data sources having a wide variety of types. Drill Introduction · Why Drill · Drill Introduction →. Performance Tuning Introduction. After starting the Drill shell, you can type queries on the shell command line. This is a group for anyone interested in Apache Drill, an open source system for interactive analysis of large-scale datasets. How many ways can you mine Hadoop data with plain old SQL queries? Apache Drill is an open source, low-latency query engine for Hadoop that delivers secure, interactive SQL analytics at petabyte scale. Contribute to drill development by creating an account on GitHub. MapR has integrated the Apache Drill SQL-on-Hadoop engine into its big data platform. By default, user impersonation is disabled in Drill.

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